Lock the keys in your car? Here is what to do next

When you go to open the door of your car and realize you locked the keys inside, it can be very frustrating. However, you do have a few options, depending on the type of car and lock you have. Here are some things to know if you lock the keys in your car.

Look Around the Area

Before you do anything else with your car, you need to find out if you are in a safe place. If it is a parking lot in the middle of the night, the last thing you want to do is be standing next to your car, alone and helpless. Put your safety first by finding a safe place to go while you wait for the locksmith to arrive if you don't think you can get into the car on your own. If you are in a well-lit area or it is in the middle of the day, you should be okay to continue trying to retrieve the keys from the car prior to calling for help.

Attempt to Retrieve the Keys Yourself

Another thing to consider doing before calling a locksmith for assistance is to try and retrieve the keys on your own. First go around to all doors in your vehicle and see if any are unlocked. While it seems like an obvious suggestion, it is often overlooked when you just assume all the doors are locked. When in fact, you might have forgotten that the slider door or trunk of your van or SUV is open because you grabbed your fabric grocery bags before heading into the grocery store. If no doors are unlocked, it is time to see if you can get the door unlocked on your own. If you have manual locks that move up and down to lock and unlock the doors, you might be able to use a wire clothes hanger if someone around has one. You will need to have a window that is cracked slightly so you can fit the hanger inside the door, reach for the lock, and pull it up. Also ask others nearby if they have a slim jim device to get the door open.

Call a Locksmith

Call up a locksmith if you are unable to retrieve the keys on your own. Remember that if you belong to an automotive membership with roadside assistance, you should have a locksmith or tow truck service already covered. 
